NaturoAcademy Podcast

Naturopathic Docs Andrew and Marissa teaching you how to optimize your health by reconnecting to nature.

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Friday May 03, 2024

Dr. Chell ND and Dr. Marissa ND share their top strategies to become a centenarian aka live to 100!
Topics discussed include:
The importance of lifespan and HEALTHspan
Nutrition, Nature Connection, Movement, Social Connection and how they impact longevity
Introduction to the centenarian club!
Join the centenarian club today!
This episode is brought to you by NaturoBlocks
Professional quality blue blockers designed to protect you from the damaging spectrums of light emitted from digital devices and artificial lighting
Lenses are lab tested and verified to block the appropriate quantity and spectrum of light to help you achieve your health goals
Daytime Energy Lenses blocks 88% of digital blue light and are great for screen use to prevent headaches, eyestrain & fatigue when you’re stuck starting at a screen all day
Nighttime Sleep Glasses block 100% of blue light and some green to help maximize your Melatonin release and give you the deepest sleep possible , use code NATUROFAM at checkout for 15% off your entire order. Current promotion buy one get one 30% off
Thanks for listening!

Friday Oct 13, 2023

Dr. Chell ND and Dr. Mar ND shares their insights on earthing and how this simple practice can dramatically improve your health.
Topics discussed include:
What is the earthing and why it's not just a hippy fad
The problem with shoes &  benefits of being barefoot
Earthing mats, grounded footwear and practical tips and tools
This episode is brought to you by NaturoBlocks
Professional quality blue blockers designed to protect you from the damaging spectrums of light emitted from digital devices and artificial lighting
Lenses are lab tested and verified to block the appropriate quantity and spectrum of light to help you achieve your health goals
Daytime Energy Lenses blocks 88% of digital blue light and are great for screen use to prevent headaches, eyestrain & fatigue when you’re stuck starting at a screen all day
Nighttime Sleep Glasses block 100% of blue light and some green to help maximize your Melatonin release and give you the deepest sleep possible , use code NATUROFAM at checkout for 15% off your entire order. Current promotion buy one get one 30% off
Thanks for listening!

Friday Oct 06, 2023

Dr. Andrew Chelladurai ND shares his knowledge on why Electrons are the key to improving your health
Topics discussed include:
How electrons work in our body to improve systemic energy
How to gain more electrons with simple time-tested techniques
Reducing electron "stealers" that harm us
Practical steps to optimize the flow of your LIFE FORCE ENERGY
This episode is brought to you by NaturoBlocks
Professional quality blue blockers designed to protect you from the damaging spectrums of light emitted from digital devices and artificial lighting
Lenses are lab tested and verified to block the appropriate quantity and spectrum of light to help you achieve your health goals
Daytime Energy Lenses blocks 88% of digital blue light and are great for screen use to prevent headaches, eyestrain & fatigue when you’re stuck starting at a screen all day
Nighttime Sleep Glasses block 100% of blue light and some green to help maximize your Melatonin release and give you the deepest sleep possible , use code NATUROFAM at checkout for 15% off your entire order. Current promotion buy one get one 30% off
Thanks for listening!

How to Conquer Stress

Saturday May 20, 2023

Saturday May 20, 2023

Dr. Andrew Chelladurai ND and Dr. Marissa Canning ND discuss strategies to help you conquer stress!
Topics discussed include:
What stress is and how it affects the body
How to use breathing techniques to alter your nervous system
The most effective supplements and therapies to reduce stress
How we help our patients manage stress!
This episode is brought to you by NaturoBlocks
Professional quality blue blockers designed to protect you from the damaging spectrums of light emitted from digital devices and artificial lighting
Lenses are lab tested and verified to block the appropriate quantity and spectrum of light to help you achieve your health goals
Daytime Energy Lenses blocks 88% of digital blue light and are great for screen use to prevent headaches, eyestrain & fatigue when you’re stuck starting at a screen all day
Nighttime Sleep Glasses block 100% of blue light and some green to help maximize your Melatonin release and give you the deepest sleep possible , use code NATUROFAM at checkout for 15% off your entire order. Current promotion buy one get one 30% off
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023

Dr. Andrew Chelladurai ND and Dr. Marissa Canning ND debate the benefits and harms of fasting and share their personal and clinical experiences with fasting.
Topics discussed include:
Fasting physiology - how does the body work in a fasted state (how Angus Barbieri fasted for 382 days without dying)
Benefits including weight loss, reversal of diabetes, detoxification and anti-aging
The dangers and potential harms of fasting
Different types of fasting such as water, dry, liquid fast, mono-meal fasting
Our experience with our recent juice fast
This episode is brought to you by NaturoBlocks
Professional quality blue blockers designed to protect you from the damaging spectrums of light emitted from digital devices and artificial lighting
Lenses are lab tested and verified to block the appropriate quantity and spectrum of light to help you achieve your health goals
Daytime Energy Lenses blocks 88% of digital blue light and are great for screen use to prevent headaches, eyestrain & fatigue when you’re stuck starting at a screen all day
Nighttime Sleep Glasses block 100% of blue light and some green to help maximize your Melatonin release and give you the deepest sleep possible , use code NATUROFAM at checkout for 10% off your entire order. Current promotion buy one get one 30% off
Thanks for listening!

Thursday Jan 12, 2023

In this Podcast Dr. Andrew is going to bust some myths about sunlight and discuss the many overlooked benefits that you can take advantage of to heal yourself and feel your best.
Topics discussed include:
Lack of sunlight is associated with an increase in mortality
The benefits of sunlight go far beyond Vitamin D
Why sunscreen may actually be doing you more harm than good
Can sunglasses make you more prone to burning
The ancient Egyptian practice to reverse aging
This show is brought to you by NaturoBlocks
Professional quality blue blockers designed to protect you from the damaging spectrums of light emitted from digital devices and artificial lighting
Lenses are lab tested and verified to block the appropriate quantity and spectrum of light to help you achieve your health goals
Daytime Energy Lenses blocks 88% of digital blue light and are great for screen use to prevent headaches, eyestrain & fatigue when you’re stuck starting at a screen all day
Nighttime Sleep Glasses block 100% of blue light and some green to help maximize your Melatonin release and give you the deepest sleep possible
Visit , use code NATUROFAM at checkout for 10% off your entire order. Current promotion buy one get one 30% off

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022

Naturopathic Docs Dr. Andrew ND and Dr. Marissa ND discuss the importance of detox and the first steps to take to eliminate wastes from your body. 
Episode overview:
- Why everyone needs to detox
- What are the emunctories?
- How to support your organs of elimination
- Natural herbs, supplements and lifestyle practices to get toxins out of your body
This episode is brought to you by NATUROBLOCKS - premium blue blocking glasses.
NATUROBLOCKS Daytime Energy glasses are verified to block 88% of digital blue light keeping you productive and energized instead of drained after a long day in front of screens.
NATUROBLOCKS Nighttime Sleep glasses block 100% of blue light to maximize melatonin release giving you a deep and restorative sleep.
Use code: NATUROFAM at checkout for 10% off any pair at !

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022

Naturopathic Docs Dr. Chell ND and Dr. Marissa ND go deep into the science of how blue light disrupts your circadian rhythm and destroys your sleep quality! 
This episode is brought to you by NATUROBLOCKS - premium blue blocking glasses.
NATUROBLOCKS Daytime Energy glasses are verified to block 88% of digital blue light keeping you productive and energized instead of drained after a long day in front of screens.
NATUROBLOCKS Nighttime Sleep glasses block 100% of blue light to maximize melatonin release giving you a deep and restorative sleep.
Use code: NATUROFAM at checkout for 10% off any pair at !

Friday Feb 25, 2022

Tips from Naturopathic Docs Dr. Chell ND and Dr. Marissa ND to improve your digestion! 
This episode is brought to you by NATUROBLOCKS - premium blue blocking glasses.
NATUROBLOCKS Daytime Energy glasses are verified to block 88% of digital blue light keeping you productive and energized instead of drained after a long day in front of screens.
NATUROBLOCKS Nighttime Sleep glasses block 100% of blue light to maximize melatonin release giving you a deep and restorative sleep.
Use code: NATUROFAM at checkout for 10% off any pair at !

Nature Connection

Thursday Oct 14, 2021

Thursday Oct 14, 2021

Dr. Andrew Chelladurai ND and Dr. Marissa Canning ND introduce you to the podcast and dive into one of the most foundational aspects of health: Nature Connection. 
Topics covered include:
- Why we started a podcast
- The importance of nature connection
- What we can learn from our ancestors about health
- Health challenges in the modern world
- Practical tips to reconnect to nature 
This episode is brought to you by NATUROBLOCKS - premium blue blocking glasses.  
NATUROBLOCKS Daytime Energy glasses are verified to block 88% of digital blue light keeping you productive and energized instead of drained after a long day in front of screens. 
NATUROBLOCKS Nighttime Sleep glasses block 100% of blue light to maximize melatonin release giving you a deep and restorative sleep.  
Use code: NATUROFAM at checkout for 10% off any pair at !


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